Favourite kids party games

  1. Pin the Tail on the Donkey

This is a classic party game that is great for indoors and can be adapted for any party theme (age 4+). You can buy ready prepared kits for this game or if you would rather make your own all you need is a picture of a tailless animal along with enough tails for each child, a blindfold and some pins to attach the tails. Each child takes it in turns to pin the tail as close to the point where the tail should be, whilst blindfolded. Alternative themes include pin the jewel on the tiara for a princess party, pin the turtle for an underwater party game and pin the patch on the pirate for a pirate party.

2) The Chocolate Game

This game is great fun and a chance for children to eat as much chocolate as they possibly can with a knife and fork! Get the children to sit in a circle and in the middle place a board with a large unwrapped bar of chocolate, a knife, fork, hat, scarf, pair of gloves and a die. The die is passed around the circle and whoever rolls a six has to quickly put on the hat, scarf and gloves and try to eat the bar of chocolate with a knife and fork. Meanwhile, the rest of the circle continue rolling the die until another six is thrown and the next child then takes over. Adapt this game for younger children by using chocolate buttons instead.

3) The Doughnut Game

Another messy challenge is the doughnut eating game where children have to eat a suspended doughnut without using their hands or licking their lips! You can hang a doughnut for each child by creating washing line out of string. The child who uses their hands or licks their lips is out of the game. This game also works well with apples.

4) Apple Bobbing

Apples are also essential for the ‘bobbing’ game where children take it in turns to try and retrieve a floating apple with their teeth, with their hands tied behind their back. Fill a large tub with cold water and place enough apples for each player. Children can then either bob for the apples together or individually, but the player to get the apple first or quickest is the winner.

5) The Flour Game

Definitely one of those games that will bring inevitable chaos but it is a simple game that children aged 5 or older will love. Firstly you need to make the ‘flour cake’ by tightly compacting flour into a medium sized mixing bowl. Then turn this out on to a board and top with a large chunk of Mars bar. Each child takes it in turns to slice away sections of the flour cake ensuring the chunk of chocolate remains at the top. The child who eventually topples the chocolate from the top has to find it with their teeth.

6) Pass the Parcel

An all time favourite party game that is a must and best for ages 3 +. You can pre-prepare the parcel beforehand and ensure the present is wrapped in many layers, each layer with a sweetie attached. Sit all the children in a circle and when the music starts they pass it around until the music stops. Whoever is holding the parcel at this point must tear open a layer and the music begins again. This continues until the last layer and the child who removes this wins the prize