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Children’s party entertainers, suppliers, venues and businesses.

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  • Manage your account
  • Receive direct bookings and enquiries

  • Children's Entertainers, Suppliers, Venues and Businesses...
    Take advantage of our free listing offer. Submit a profile today and get the first 6 months absolutly free!!
     1. Sign in and create your profile
     2. Upload details, photos, and media links
     3. Receive direct bookings
     4. Manage your account

  • Category Top Spots

    Upgrade your listing to feature as the top in its category. The top category listings are changed each month so all listings get a chance to be at the top of their selected category.

    Sign in, select your month and reserve your top spot today!

    Prices start from as little as £25 a month!!!

  • Home Page Advertising Spaces

    Upgrade your listing to feature as one of the Home Page Listings. These premier advertising spots are changed each month so all listings get a chance to advertise on the Home Page.

    Sign in, select your month and reserve your advertising space today!

    Prices start from as little as £65 a month!!!
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