What makes our children happy?

We all want the same things for our kids. We want them to grow up to love and be loved, to follow their dreams, to find success. Mostly, though, we want them to be happy. But just how much control do we have over our children’s happiness? Research clearly shows that happy, optimistic children are the product of happy, optimistic homes, regardless of genetic makeup.” What can you do to create a home where your child’s happiness will flourish?

The easiest way to promote your child’s lifelong emotional well-being is to help him feel connected — to you, other family members, friends, neighbours, teachers, even to pets. “A connected childhood is the key to happiness,” a feeling of being loved, understood, wanted, acknowledged. If a child has just one person who loves him unconditionally, that’s the closest thing he’ll ever get to an inoculation against misery. It’s not enough, however, simply to possess that deep love; your child must feel it, too. Hold your baby as much as possible; respond with empathy to his cries; read aloud to him; eat, snuggle, and laugh together.

It’s not just the quality, but also the quantity of the bonds: the more connections your child makes, the better.