
Here is a list of some great easy party ideas and games for kids to help get you started on your hunt for a fun dinosaur birthday party!

Dinosaur Party Invitations

Send an invitation as a memo – with the objective being “an official dinosaur expedition”.

Make kid party invitations by covering a card with dinosaur tracks (use stamps and let the birthday boy/girl help make them!).

Think jungle – overgrown, greens, browns and the like. For kid party decorations, the more over the top, the better!

Make some dinosaur tracks with chalk or out of cardboard (for an indoor party.)

Dinosaur Party Games

Here are some fun kid party games, adapted for a dinosaur theme:

Dinosaur Egg Crazy Catch – You’ll need a ball for every two kids and a bunch of crazy stuff! Pretend the balls are dinosaur eggs and have the kids divide into pairs (these will be your teams. Have the teams play catch with the ball, but they can’t catch with their hands. Have them use nets, hats, etc.

Parachute – If you have a parachute make use of it . (If you don’t have one, you can always use a bed sheet.) For a dinosaur party, let the kids bounce inflatable balls (dinosaur eggs) or dinosaur stuffed animals on top of parachutes and to make it go up and down.

Dinosaur Dig – If you have a sandpit available, hide “dinosaur bones” related objects in the sand and let the kids hunt for them. For example, at a Princess party, you could hide plastic jewels. Don’t have a sandpit? Fill a tub with sand or rice. You might want to limit the number of items each child can find (such as three). If you have a large number of children let them take turns, just a few at a time, or set up this game as a “station” to be done when other “stations” are being played, such as some Target Games.

Dinosaur Hunt – Hide toy dinosaurs around the garden and go on a dinosaur hunt!

Dinosaur Party Cakes

Often used for kids party cakes, make a basic cake and use toy dinosaurs on top to make a scene.