Entertain the kids when its raining

It seems as soon as we get excited about the sunshine and make ‘outdoorsy’ plans, the rain clouds arrive! If you’re left wondering what on earth to do with the kids, we’ve come up with some great games fun to play in the comfort of your own home to keep kids of all ages entertained.

Play ‘Sardines’ – a twist on the traditional hide and seek

You’ll need at least four players for this game with one person hiding and the other players searching for the hider. When a player finds their friend hiding, they then need to hide with that player staying where they are until another player finds them and so on. The fun will continue until the last person finds everyone at which point everyone will be squashed like – sardines!

Board games

No one can get board of board games, ditch electronic games and play with traditional board games. Snakes and Ladders, Guess Who, Monopoly…which games keep your kids entertained?

Indoor bowling

This game provides hours of fun for children (and adults) and can even be as competitive as you like You can either buy an indoor bowling set or use empty water bottles set up in a line and a soft ball. Don’t forget – place some tape as a starting line so avoid any cheating!

Dressing up stories

Get the kids using their imaginations and write a story – it could simply be their favourite fairy tale changed! They then have to act out their stories complete with costumes and props. Of course, you’ll need to put your acting skills to the test and join in with them!

Alphabet fishing

A fun and easy way to develop letter recognition and early reading skills, and even better it’s perfect for those rainy days! All you need are some magnetic letters, sticks or chopsticks, string, and paper clips. Tie the paper clips to your string and then tie (or glue) your string to your stick. Pour the magnetic letters into a big bowl…and let the children start fishing! The ‘catch of the day’ is the kids need to make words with the letters they hook out

Build a den

Drape blankets and sheets over chairs to make a cosy den for the kids. They can read books, play games and even nap (if you’re lucky!) however the challenge may be coaxing them out of their secret fort at teatime!

It seems as soon as we get excited about the sunshine and make ‘outdoorsy’ plans, the rain clouds arrive! If you’re left wondering what on earth to do with the kids, we’ve come up with some great games fun to play in the comfort of your own home to keep kids of all ages entertained.