School uniforms

The school uniform idea has been around for a long time and in all those years, there are plenty of kids who hate it and plenty who couldn’t care less.  For parents, there are plenty of pros and cons to consider when asked the question about whether kids should have to wear school uniforms and here we look at both sides of the argument.

Uniforms are good

One of the oldest arguments in favour of uniforms is also an argument against them for some people – the fact that all the kids look the same. But for parents who can’t afford to buy their kids a wardrobe full of designer clothes or wouldn’t even if they could, the uniform is a useful equaliser. Kids can be mean and if there are kids with expensive, designer clothes and those who don’t this can create conflict between the groups in various ways and lead to bullying. Then there are the problems when kids get older and their choice in clothes becomes a little less suitable for school wear.  By wearing a uniform, it is set in stone what they wear and there is no different between one child and another.

That’s not to say that a uniform can’t be personalised because it can. Everyone doesn’t have to look exactly the same, they just have to conform to a set standard. The way they wear the clothes can be different and they can add little personalised finishes. Even elements such as footwear can be slightly different to others, allowing them to express their individuality when they find it.

Expensive clothes and jewellery can even leave kids more liable to be attacked for these items. There are stories from around the world of children being attacked or even killed by other kids or older teenagers because they were wearing an expensive item that could be sold for a good profit. While those expensive trainers may seem a good idea, they could even make your child a target whereas generic school shoes are of interest to no-one.

Wearing a uniform and instilling a sense of pride in their school has been shown to help children learn about being a part of something. Yes, the family is the most important unit and the first one they learn about but being part of something due to attending the school, working with others and having pride in it is an important part of understanding their place in society.

The lack of choice involved in picking out a uniform can save a lot of time on a morning and relieve some of the stress of a hectic household.  Teenagers can spend serious time deciding what to wear and making sure they are happy with their outfits but by wearing a uniform, this choice is greatly removed.  Yes, they will want to do hair, and makeup with girls, add accessories and such but this takes less time than the whole wardrobe decisions.